AD: find disabled accounts and Move them to specific OU
dsquery user -limit 0 -disabled "ou=usuarios,dc=deltalab,dc=com" >disabled.txt for /f "delims=" %a in (disabled.txt) do dsmove %a -newparent "OU=ZZZ,DC=deltalab,DC=com"
Sometimes when I had little time during my daily work, I update here some technical articles that may help for future easy reference. Still trying to find a good theme of this blog for easy readable. VMware, Scripting, Windows Servers, Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, SCCM, SCOM, Exchange, Proxy Servers, File & Print Servers, DFS, Citrix, Hyper-V, OCS, CommVault, SiteScope, Lotus Domino, WSUS....and the list goes on, the work I do.