
Showing posts from April, 2011

AD: find disabled accounts and Move them to specific OU

  dsquery user -limit 0 -disabled "ou=usuarios,dc=deltalab,dc=com" >disabled.txt for /f "delims=" %a in (disabled.txt) do dsmove %a -newparent "OU=ZZZ,DC=deltalab,DC=com"

Fixing: WinVNC Error: "No password has been set &.."

"No password has been set & this machine has been preconfigured to prevent users from setting their own. You must contact a System Administrator to configure WinVNC properly." Solution: VNC Server service: Uncheck Allow service to interact with desktop

SCCM 2007 Setting BITS

To configure BITS: Site Database->Site Management-><Site>->Site Settings->Client Agents->Computer Client Agent

Setting System proxy

netsh winhttp set proxy : Ex: netsh winhttp set proxy proxyserver1:8080 Some programs may use winhttp proxy rather than  browser's proxy settings. Ex: Windows Live setup. Setting up winhttp proxy fixed the problem.

Configuring DRAC from command line

Below is how I configured DRAC from command line: C:\Program Files\Dell\SysMgt\rac5>racadm getconfig -h idRacInfo cfgLanNetworking cfgRemoteHosts cfgUserAdmin cfgEmailAlert cfgSessionManagement cfgSerial cfgNetTuning cfgOobSnmp cfgRacTuning ifcRacManagedNodeOs cfgRacSecurity cfgRacVirtual cfgActiveDirectory cfgStandardSchema cfgIpmiSerial cfgIpmiSol cfgIpmiLan cfgIpmiPef cfgIpmiPet C:\Program Files\Dell\SysMgt\rac5>racadm getconfig -g cfglannetworking cfgNicEnable=1 cfgNicIpAddress= cfgNicNetmask= cfgNicGateway= cfgNicUseDhcp=1 # cfgNicMacAddress=00:1e:4f:3d:9d:c2 cfgNicVLanEnable=0 cfgNicVLanID=1 cfgNicVLanPriority=0 cfgNicSelection=2 cfgDNSServersFromDHCP=1 cfgDNSServer1= cfgDNSServer2= cfgDNSRacName=daumlbttsdb2 cfgDNSDomainName= cfgDNSDomainNameFromDHCP=0 cfgDNSRegisterRac=0 C:\Program Files\Dell\SysMgt\rac5>racadm config -g cfglannetworking -o cfgdnsserversfromdhcp 1 Object value modified succe...