
Showing posts from April, 2016

iscsi connection commands for physical servers (NetApp SnapDrive)

The disk list command The  disk list  command displays a list of all the LUNs connected to the host. Syntax for this command is: sdcli disk list The preceding example lists all the SnapDrive LUNs mapped to drive letters on the local host. The disk list command also provides the following information for each LUN: LUN path ( storage system  name, share name, virtual disk file name, and might also include qtree name) Storage System Storage System Path ( storage system -side path, which includes volume name and LUN name) Hyper-V VHD present (a Hyper-V VHD exists) Hyper-V VM name Type Disk serial number Backed by Snapshot copy (if this is a LUN in a Snapshot copy, this displays the  storage system -side path to the Snapshot copy) Shared (whether the disk is dedicated or shared) CSV disk Boot or System Disk SCSI port Bus Target LUN Read only Disk size (in megabytes) SnapMirror source SnapVault primary Disk Partition Style (either MBR or GP...

Command to delete a folder in multiple remote computers

Below is the command i used to delete a folder in multiple remote computers: psexec @servers.txt cmd /c rd /s /q c:\folderpath\folder2del