Ways to execute PowerShell (PS1) scripts in remote computers
Below are ways to execute PowerShell (PS1) scripts in remote computers: Example 1: invoke-command -computerName MySrv1 -filepath .\test.ps1 Example 2: Get the version of the PowerShell host running on a remote computer: invoke-command -computername server64 -scriptblock {(get-host).version} Example 3: Get the version of the PowerShell host running on a list of remote computers (computers.txt): PS C:\> $version = invoke-command -computername (get-content computers.txt) -scriptblock {(get-host).version} PS C:\> $version Example 4: Run the Sample.ps1 script on all of the computers listed in the Servers.txt file. Using the -FilePath parameter to specify the script file has the effect that the content of the script is automatically copied into a script block and then passed to and run on each of the remote computers: PS C:\> invoke-command -comp (get-content servers.txt) -filepath c:\scripts\sample.ps1 -argumentlist Process, Service Alternatives method: Inv...