Script with Robocopy to copy folder to multiple destinations

Below was the script I used to copy folders from one source to multiple destination servers:

@Echo offrem below command will generate something like this 2013-09-01-1100 AM if your date/t=Sun 09/01/2013 & time/t=11:03 AMremrem below command will generate something like this 2013-09-01-0552 if your date/t = 01/09/2013 & time/t = 05:52For /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=/ " %%a in ('date/T') do set CDate=%%c-%%b-%%aFor /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%f in ('time /t') do set CTime=%%f%%gset CDate-CTime=%CDate%-%CTime%rem @echo CDate-CTime is %CDate-CTime%
remfor /F %%i in (serverlist.list) do ( echo Processing %%i... >>RobocopyResult_%CDate-CTime%.txt robocopy E:\MySourceFolder \\%%i\c$\MyDesinationFolder\ /S /E /ZB /R:5 /NP /TEE  >>RobocopyResult_%CDate-CTime%.txt)
Echo .Echo DONE!!!


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