Script to get disk space in MB (including MountPoints).

I'm looking for a simple script to get disk space in MB (including MountPoints).
Below is the latest vbs script I'm going to try:

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

Set colDisks = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_LogicalDisk where drivetype <> 5")

WScript.Echo "Name Capacity Free Free %"
For each objDisk in colDisks
percentfree = (objdisk.Freespace / objdisk.Size) * 100
With objDisk
WScript.Echo .DeviceId & " " & pad(FormatNumber(.Size/1048576, 2)) & " " & pad(FormatNumber(.Freespace/1048576, 2)) & " " & FormatNumber(percentfree, 2)
End With


function pad(strText)
strText = Space(12) + strText
strText = Right(strText, 10)
pad = strText
end function



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