WSUS configurations

wsus client configuration Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\windows\WindowsUpdate\ Windows update log path (obselete): c:\windows\windowsupdate.log Powershell : Get-WindowsUpdateLog Installing updates: Using Powershell: Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate #- to install the Windows update module Get-WindowsUpdate #- to check for updates Install-WindowsUpdate #- to install the available updates Older version windows (Without PowerShell module): wuauclt /detectnow - to check for updates wuauclt /updatenow - to start installing the detected updates wuauclt /detectnow /updatenow - to check, download and install updates wuauclt /reportnow # TBC wuauclt /detectnow /updatenow /reportnow # TBC For Windows 10 computers, rather than use WUAUCLT.EXE you need to use UsoClient.exe. This exe is located in System32 and you can use the following strings. StartScan - Used To Start Scan StartDownload - Used to Start Download of Patches StartInstall - Used to Install Downloaded Patches RefreshSettings - Refresh Settings if any changes were made StartInteractiveScan - May ask for user input and/or open dialogues to show progress or report errors RestartDevice - Restart device to finish installation of updates ScanInstallWait - Combined Scan Download Install ResumeUpdate - Resume Update Installation On Boot
